Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Recent Pics

We are very into our cloth diapers these days. Lilly is potty training but she makes sure that her baby doll Megan gets her cloth diaper changed! The woman who makes all the girls soakers at Fancy Pants Fleece made a special soaker for Megan. It is so cute!

We had Christmas in March when we got all out Christmas packages from Grandma April and Grandpa Bob! We love what Lilly did with her bucket! How could she know that that is what all the Sherry's do with them?

Lilly and Melissa our Neighbor enjoyed building structures at the Port Jefferson Children's Maritime museum...Rory liked that the structures were made out of marshmallows!

Poppy sent the Girls this singing, hopping bunny for Easter! It Sings and hops all day!!

Not much is going on here. Brandon is on a business trip. The girls and I will be heading back to Florida in a few days to see Dianne and My family. I thought you might like to see some recent pictures of the girls!