Saturday, January 20, 2007

Still in Haiti

Hello, we are still in Haiti! I think some people were confused about this. Brandon will be going home on Monday. He has to go to Texas for an interview with NASA! How cool is that. He is very excited about hes private tour of Mission Control. Sorry Katie. If he gets the job we can go too! Lilly and I will stay in Haiti. We have gotten everything wrapped up, Even have a Visa apt for Wednesday. However we still have NO PASSPORT!!! The lady at the US embassy is so nice she said that if Wednesday comes and we are still waiting for the passport to call her and we can go the next day or whenever we recieve it. How frustrating! Everything in Haiti has been good. We are really bored though. Last weekend we went to the market on Saturday and then on Sunday we went to the beach! It was alot like going to Labadee, beautiful. We even had lobster, FREE, this lovely family was there and we were slightly drooling over it, ok maybe more that slightly. Anyway I asked where they bought it and they said on the beach. Then they filled up 2 plate fulls and gave us some. Unbelievable! I would love to go back but it is pretty rare that we even went once. That ios all for not. Hopefully I will be in Tampa on Wednesday or Thursday. Grandma make sure the washing machine is empty. Miss everyone.

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