Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Nov. 7, 2005

We are pretty sure that this is the cutoff for the refferals this month. I am numb at this point. It will be 1 more month and then we will see Rory. The only thing that would prevent this is if they did a 1 day refferal batch. It has never happened before but the chance that they would do this on our turn is quite appropriate.
In all seriousness though, we do expect to FINALLY see Rory sometime the first week of July. I am just tired of the not knowing! How old is my baby and WHERE IS SHE???


Linda said...

I am so sorry that you are having to wait another month. I'll be thinking about you.

Catherine said...

I hope that day will come soon for you. Hang in there!

Russ & Becki Carlson said...

I found your website on RQ. Lilly is adorable, and I enjoyed reading your story, and how you found her. God is good!!
Good luck as you are NEXT for Rory.