Monday, July 17, 2006

Last day thoughts


Well we have made it to the last day in Haiti. I am very sad to leave my baby girl. After the garbage and the rodants, the gangs and the bugs I cannot say I am not happy to get to my nice home. The povery here is startling. In the few days we were here we ran intro 4 babies that people were giving to orphanages trying to get into an orphanage or had AIDS and could not be placed. It has been an eye opener and I think I am a better person for it. The rodent thing probably made me stronger. The people here are beautiful and very kind and proud. They are more than willing to help in any way they can. Overall I am glad we came.
I love my daughter so much and I do not know how I will leave her tomorrow. I will come back in a few months and she will have grown so much. But that beautiful smile will be the same and those big brown eyes. She looks very different from her photo on Rainbow kids. Someone asked is that the same baby. I laughed and said that I was absolutly sure that it was my Lilly. I could never replace that smile.

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